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Annette Hoggs-Jackson Makes Her Poems Available to Songwriters

Contact:  Min. Sammy Jackson for Annette Hoggs-Jackson, 386-257-6784, [email protected]


DAYTONA BEACH, Florida, July 7 /Christian Newswire/ -- Annette Hoggs-Jackson, author of Poems From The Heart, is taking her literary journey to another level.  The author's words are divinely inspired and are being widely received around the country.


God gave her a divine word to write and publish to share with the world.  These poems were written as an inspiration from God after observing many circumstances and tribulations that many people have experience in their lives.


God gave her desire to write this book poems from the heart which is helping many people understand their problems and circumstances they are struggling with daily.


Now making her poems available for song lyrics, she welcomes national and independent artist to contact her.


Note: Annette Hoggs-Jackson will be a guest on NCCM Radio’s  POWER IN THE WORD on July 15th, with Pastor Rebecca Simmons.  


Annette Hoggs-Jackson is the featured speaker at the “I Don't Have Time For The Pain” conference on July 15.